Real Estate Intensive is a FREE 1-day workshop for success-minded real estate agents who want to take their business, career, and income to the next level. Presented by Ryan Thompson, a multi-award-winning real estate agent, highly decorated auctioneer, in-demand performance coach and motivational speaker.
With a 25-year career in sales and marketing, Ryan is a dynamic industry leader who combines his business experience with his skills in the field of personal achievement to ensure clients reach their goals quickly. Over the last 16 years Ryan has developed his signature program, “The Agent Success System”, that allows real estate agents to attract more quality leads, sign more listings and close more sales faster and easier than ever before.

You’ll learn the exact “high dollar activities” that million-dollar agents focus on to generate a continuous stream of new leads and quality listings. Plus, how to predictably close 80% more sales using his tried-and-tested Agent Success System.

How to Create A Never-Ending Conveyor Belt of New Listings

A Simple Way to Calculate Your TRUE Per Hour Value

3 Steps to Achieving More in 90 Minutes than Most People do in an Entire 8-Hour Day

5 Tried and Tested Ways to Stand Out from the 100s Of Competing Agents in Your Area

12 Ways to Build Instant Rapport with Potential Sellers and Win More Listings

The 5 Steps to Delivering A Successful Presentation

The ‘Multi-Layered Prospecting System’ That Generates A Continuous Stream of Hot Leads and Quality Listings

The Fastest Way to WIN The Business Before You Even Present

7 “High Dollar Activities” Every Agent Needs to Focus on to Achieve
Results Fast

Are you struggling with the internal battle of When should I grow my team or How do I grow my team? This workshop will help you overcome this common stumbling block every agent struggles with at some point.

The 6 Rules of Negotiation Almost All Top-Selling Agents Follow

The 4 P’s of Property Marketing You Need to Know to Sell More Homes
To find out more about this breakthrough event and to claim your free tickets now, go to:
www.realestateintensive.com.au or click on the banner below.